MacWorld 1997 September
Macworld (1997-09).dmg
Games World
Games Utilities
NetRPG 3.0.1
NetRPG 3.0.1.rsrc
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Text File
49 lines
/ICON SET dragon DRG - updates already existing icon of dragon to be DRG
/ICON CLEAR - removes all icons
/ICON DEL Blade - deletes icon named Blade
/ICON ADD Blade B 20,5 - adds an icon "B" named Blade at 20,5
/ICON LIST - prints out active icons
/MOVE, /MV ALL 4444422 - moves every icon, /MOVETO, /MVTO ALL 10,3 moves every icon to 10,3
/MOVE, /MV thing 4444422 - moves thing's icon 5 spaces to the left and then 2 spaces down
/MOVETO, /MVTO thing 54,12 - moves thing's icon to 54,12
Wall characters for use in maps are: * # x X | \ / - + =
STATIC mode shows everything but always anchors the map with 1,1 in the upper-left corner of the window
SHOWALL mode shows everything, but still moves the map window relative to players' positions
LOS mode shows everything up to walls, if they are in line-of-sight, and uses 8-connectivity
FILL mode shows players everything up to walls, using 4-connectivity
/MAP MODE <mode>, /SET MAP <mode> -> sets map mode to FILL,STATIC,SHOWALL, or LOS
/SET WINDOW w,h -> sets the map output to be w wide and h high.
/MAP ERASE x,y -> puts a space onto the map at x,y
/MAP DRAW x,y <string> -> writes the <string> into the map data at x,y
/MAP FOR <player> -> sends the DM a copy of the map that <player> sees
/MAP PUSH -> sends the current map to all player's info windows
/MAP END -> stops capture of the MAP data
/MAP BEGIN -> starts capturing the MAP data
Map commands